Data Collection, "The Flipped Classroom", Technology-Related skills, and My Instructor's Blog Post
Data Collection
I think that data collection will be a very important thing to use as an educator. I would mostly use surveys to chart how effective I am being as an educator. Since I want to be in the high school range, students will have a general understanding of how to rate things. I will want them to rate how well I am educating them so I can change the way I teach to better fit my classes learning. There is always constant room for improvement when it comes to everything in life. The best educators are ones that are not stuck in their ways and are open to constructive criticism.
"The Flipped Classroom"
"The Flipped Classroom" is defined as being a model of teaching that is different from traditional classroom set-up. In the flipped classroom, the time spent outside of the classroom is used to learn the meat and potatoes of the instruction and the time spent inside the classroom is spent for practicing what was learned outside of the classroom. I think that this is an interesting way to set up a curriculum but I do not 100% agree with it. I prefer the traditional classroom set-up where the meat and potatoes are learned in the classroom and then the students practice outside of the classroom. I like the traditional method more because of the face to face interaction through the learning process. What I see happening with the flipped classroom model is that a handful of students will not have adequately done the learning or do not learn good by themselves and that will turn the practice day into lecture day and would defeat the purpose.
Technology-Related Skills
The next technology-related skill that I would like to learn is how to work with Excel in a fast and efficient manner. My parents both work in the computer industry and they can always make huge spreadsheets that would take me hours and hours in the span of 30 minutes. I would like to learn the secrets and tools that they learn to be so efficient. I will achieve this goal by looking at videos and asking my parents how to do certain things on Excel and practicing them.
My Instructor's Blog Post
I recently read my instructor's blog post reviewing our class's blog posts throughout the semester. I found it really interesting that is post 6 not everyone just had a single teacher's website. Some had whole schools websites that lead to classroom websites. I think that it is a good move for all schools to have all of their teacher's websites easily accessible on the main school page. That way parents and people that are less technologically savvy can be easily guided to their student's teacher website.
I commented on Malyce Collin's Canvas post and on Alexis Durlacher's Canvas Post.
Hey Jacob! Great post this week. I think you brought up a good point about the weakness of the Flipped Classroom. If students don't do their work at home the practice time in class is pointless, and an educator doesn't have control of what students do at home. However, I think that this shouldn't be a reason to avoid the Flipped Classroom at the high school level. Students need to start to take responsibility for their own learning at the age while being guided by an instructor because they're expected to be able to manage these things alone at the college level. The additional responsibility is a good opportunity for personal growth, and I think we need to foster an environment where teenagers can learn to rise to that challenge.