ELA Technology Standards, CPALMS, and Web 2.0

ELA Technology Standards

Incorporating technology into education is crucial in being able to captivate young learners by speaking their language. However, even though these young learners have grown up in an era full of very innovative technology, they need to be educated on how to use that save innovative technology to benefit them in the world of academia. ELA stands for English Language Arts. ELA is very multifaceted and being proficient in it is key to success in all subjects of school, so to incorporate ELA and technology is important. There is one 8th grade standard that effectively draws the importance of a connection between ELA and technology. The standard is below and can be found at ELA Technology Standards.  

Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

In my own words, this means that students can take information that they receive off of the internet and coherently put it into a piece of work that they can give to other students and receive feedback. This skill is crucial to have at all levels of education. Even at the highest levels of academia, a student will need these skills to write a proper dissertation to receive a Ph.D. 

I am confident that I have the skills necessary to properly execute this standard in my future classroom. I have been using these skills ever since grade school and use it even more frequently at the college level so I am confident that I have a strong skill set to be able to teach my future students how to utilize this standard to succeed at all levels of education.


CPALMS is a great resource that has tons of tools for all grade levels and subject available to all K-12 educators. Sticking with the theme of 8th grade, when I clicked on the education toolkit for 8th grade, a plethora of tools and resources for all possible school subjects came up. My favorite part was that every single subject had a tool with example lesson plans. This is huge to me because having an example can help the educator get the creative juices flowing and build a killer lesson plan off of the example plan. Also, every single subject has one, so there is no subject left behind. I will definitely be using this tool in my future classroom because sometimes I struggle with creativity, and this will help me get creative. 

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is considered to be the shift of the World Wide Web being a place where only knowledgeable web designers could post information and the average joe was only a consumer to where an average joe could make and produce their own content and put it on the web with fairly little technological knowledge. One of my favorite Web 2.0 tools for education is Instagram. I know what y'all are all thinking, "Instagram is for models and food." I agree that that is a large part of Instagram, but it is not all of it. Utilizing pictures and photography to get your point across is a very powerful thing in education and life and Instagram is the best photo-sharing platform in technology. A student can see a monument, an act of nature, or anything else that they've learned in class and snap a picture of it and post it on Instagram with a caption talking about what is going on and why it moved them enough to share it. Pictures are a powerful thing and they can be even more powerful in education through the use of Instagram. 

Here is a link to Instagram: Instagram

I commented on Erika's blog and Morgan's Blog. 


  1. Hi Jacob!
    I am glad to hear that you feel like you already have the skillset to meet the standard you have chosen to discuss! That is really good! I found a ton of tools for high school social studies on CPALMS as well! That was a very neat site. I will definitely be using it in my future too. I like your idea with using instagram as an education tool, I would have thought it was just for models and food too haha. I think it would work well as a tool though, very similarly to twitter! Great post!

  2. Hey Jacob! I loved your thoughts on these educational resources. My favorite was how you brought up Instagram as a Web 2.0 tool, and I completely agree! When I was in high school, students in the honors economic class would have to start their own cookie companies where they would actually sell baked goods at the school, and one of their requirements was they had to social media accounts, including Instagram! Considering that almost every business has social media accounts, it is so important to learn how to use these sites in a professional manner to engaged with an audience, and I think those skills should absolutely be taught in schools in our digital age. I also agreed with what you said about the ELA standards. For me, most of them seemed like pretty basic criteria that any well designed course would implement any way, so I am not worried about incorporating them in to my own classroom.

  3. You made a good point that utilizing pictures and photography to get your point across is a very powerful thing in education and life. I frequently check news and have lots of friends on Instagram.


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